If you were rear ended or in a car accident in Collegeville, Phoenixville, Limerick, or Royersford, and you are facing an insurance company who won't pay, you still have options. Maybe the insurance company is State Farm, Allstate, Nationwide, or Erie? Those are 4 of the most common insurance companies in this area.
1. First, send a letter or fax to the at-fault insurance company simply asking that they respond in writing with their reason for not paying.
2. Consider getting a consultation with a lawyer who specializes in personal injury law. You should be able to get a free consult. Our firm does free consults.
3. You should get a copy of your own medical records (often, you can get your medical records from the car accident from your own insurance companay- since they pay the medical bills up to the limits of your medical coverage- they will have those records.
4. You should make a list of witnesses - there are two types of "lay" (non expert) witnesses for injury cases. One is a witness to the actual car accident. A police report would list any witnesses identified at the scene by the police. A second type of lay witness would be people who have known you before and after the accident who have seen any differences in you physically since the accident. These could be co-workers, clergy, friends.
5. Request a copy of your own insurance company's policy and "declarations" page (the page listing all the coverages).
6. Go to the doctor if you are having symptoms and follow their instructions. This will help you get better and you have paid for the coverage on your policy for medical bills.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us.
David Schreiber
(610) 792-3304
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