The overused saying, "a picture says a 1,000 words" couldn't be more true when you have an insurance claim.
Take pictures of any damage to your car or vehicle after an accident. It's likely that the insurance company will take pictures, but you want to have your own. Don't assume the insurance company will take all the necessary pictures or that you will easily get a copy of their pictures.
Getting photos of the crash scene is really important to preserve the evidence, especially if there is a dispute as to who is at fault. Skid marks, broken pieces of the vehicles, the layout of the intersection-- these are all important. Over time, that evidence will be gone, that's why prompt photos are key.
Common areas of car accidents in our area include Route 100, Route 73 and Route 29. There are certain intersections or blind spots that would best be shown in photographs.
If you fell or were injured because of an unsafe condition, get pictures of the defect as soon as possible.
Of course, if you are injured, you will want to get photos of your injuries. The insurance company will look to downplay your injuries. They'll have a hard time downplaying pictures.
If you have any questions, feel free to call us. (610) 792-3304
Wolpert Schreiber P.C.