In Pennsylvania, a bar or drinking establishment can not serve someone who is visibly intoxicated. Meaning, someone who is showing visible signs of being drunk. If they serve a visibly intoxicated person who then leaves and causes a car accident, the bar can be held responsible in a "civil" personal injury case.
Unfortunately, the news too frequently involves heart-breaking stories of drunk driving accidents in our area. These often occurred on main highways like Route 422 or Route 100. But also there are local roads as well.
David Schreiber
The PA State Police have a Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement. You can contact them to report a violation or a Problem Bar and request that they investigate.
Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement Headquarters
3655 Vartan Way
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: (717) 540-7410
Fax: (717) 540-7452