When you get your renewal in the mail for your car insurance, take a few minutes to actually look at your coverage. Do you have wage loss coverage? Do you need it? Do you need more than you have? The amounts may say "$1,000/$5,000"- that means $1,000 per month for a total of 5 months. Think about whether you have disability (short term or long term) through work. That may affect how much wage loss coverage you want on your policy. Look at the amount it costs- it should be relatively cheap.
Also, take a look at the "underinsured/uninsured motorist" coverage. This is what protects you and your family against everyone else on the road's carelessness. Make sure you have it and have enough of it. Ask your agent or broker or insurance company for quotes on different prices.
There are other coverages that are less obvious such as "stacking" of underinsured/uninsured coverage, collision/comprehensive deductibles and coverage and medical coverage. If you aren't sure, ask your agent or insurance company for more information. As to the medical coverage, consider what type of health insurance you have-- after a car accident, you have to use your health insurance if your auto medical exhausts.
David E. Schreiber
(610) 792-3304