
Experienced Pennsylvania Injury Lawyers since 1994

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Car Accident - Other Driver Was From New Jersey- What does that do to my case?

If you were injured in a car accident, maybe on the Schuylkill, Route 422, I76, the Turnpike or elsewhere and the other driver from from another state... read on.

If the accident happened in New Jersey and the other driver was from New Jersey, there are some issues. New Jersey law will apply and there is a "deemer" statute law. This basically can limit your rights to recovering pain and suffering also referred to as bodily injury. You may be required to have a permanent injury or disfigurement or other type of serious injury to recover.

If the accident happened here in Pennsylvania but the other driver's car was registered in New Jersey or another state, this could actually be a positive for your claim. If you have "limited tort", there is an exception if the other driver's vehicle was registered in another state. This means that the limitations of "serious injury" to get bodily injury damages don't apply to your claim. You are instead considered "full tort" and have no restrictions on recovering pain and suffering or bodily injury.